Duvhökens Accipiter gentilis beståndsutveckling i Sverige sedan 1975
populationsstudier, inventering, rovfågel, vinterekologiAbstract
I have used data, mainly from south of 62°N, collected within the Breeding Bird Survey and the Winter Bird Count (1975—2001) to describe the population development of the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in Sweden. The data from the breeding season indicate a considerable population increase. The winter data show a stable population for the winters 1975/1976—1993/94, then six winters with lower values, and a return to the former mean level in 2000/2001. The linear trend for the whole period shows a decline of almost 20%. The winter data are difficult to interpret in terms of breeding population since a large proportion of the hawks are wintering birds from northern Sweden and Finland. The conclusion is that the number of overwintering Goshawks in southern Sweden has declined, especially in recent years, but that the breeding population has increased, or – considering the weak summer data – at least not declined during the last quarter of a century.
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