Editorial Team

Editorial Board of Ornis Svecica


Jonas Waldenström, Professor
Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Linnaeus University
Jonas is a professor at the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, where he heads a research group studing bird-borne infections, among others avian influenza virus. The research spans ecology, epidemiology, viral and bacterial evolution as well as avian migration ecology studied by cutting-edge GPS trackers. Jonas is also the chair of Ottenby Bird Observatory, and a connoisseur of Swedish science fiction from the 1970s.

Managing Editor 

Martin Stervander, PhD, Senior Curator of Birds
National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh
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Martin is the Senior Curator of Birds at National Museums Scotland, where he manages a collection of some 150,000 specimens and carries out research on birds. His main research lies within the evolution of birds, with a particular focus on island systems, and he makes use of modern DNA sequencing. One of Martin's current projects addresses the evolution of flight loss in rails on isolated islands, but he has a broad interest in ornithology, including e.g. taxonomy, migration ecology, and phenology.

Associate Editors 

Murielle Ålund, PhD
Uppsala Univesity
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Murielle is a researcher passionate about evolution, and particularly how changes in climate and breeding ranges affect interactions within and between closely related species, mating behaviour, and host-parasite interactions, all contributing to the maintenance of biodiversity. She mainly works with the Öland long-term monitoring study of pied and collared flycatchers at Uppsala University, but also on Icelandic sticklebacks and how they use their senses in different waters.
Fredrik Andreasson, PhD
Lund University
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Fredrik is a biology teacher and an evolutionary ecologist with an interest in research questions that connects ecology with physiology. Working with nest-box breeding passerines, his research mainly focuses on variation in body temperature and energy expenditure and how this variation is influenced by different biotic and abiotic factors. He is also interested in the effects of current climate change on avian ecophysiology.
Robert Ekblom, PhD
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
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Robert has spent most of his scientific career on avian research, mainly in genetics and ecology. He has also had much focus in teaching on birds, for example as course leader for the courses “Bird Census Techniques” and “Vertebrate Faunistics”. Currently Robert works as a research engineer in the carnivore monitoring group, where DNA-analyses of wolverine samples are performed for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Gunnar Gunnarsson, Associate Professor
Kristianstad Univesity
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Gunnar is an associate professor in animal ecology at Kristianstad University, and he is doing research on waterbirds, especially ducks, geese and swans. Research questions cover patterns and processes on different levels of the ecological hierarchy, for example limitation and regulation of individuals and populations, as well as interactions between species in aquatic communities and ecosystems. Data collections of waterbirds include vital rates such survival and breeding success, but also small- and large-scale movements.
Jonas Hentati Sundberg, PhD
Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Jonas is a marine ecologist and seabird enthusiast. Since 2002 he is working on island of Stora Karlsö in the Baltic Sea, particularly with Common Guillemots. In 2008 he lead the construction of an artificial breeding ledge in the middle of the Stora Karlsö guillemot colony—the “Karlsö auk lab”—arguably the world’s largest nest box (11 m high, 11 tonnes of steel and wood). His research often combines field studies with novel technologies such as sailing drones for fish data collection and automated video systems for studies of seabird behavior. He holds a position as associate senior lecturer at the Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Anouschka R Hof, Assistant Professor
Resource Ecology Group, Wageningen University & Research
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Cecilia Nilsson, PhD
Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, University of Copenhagen
Cecilia is a behavioral ecologist interested in flight behavior, bird migration, and radar ornithology. She currently works at the University of Copenhagen, where she studies large scale patterns of flight behavior using data from networks of weather radars. She presently addresses questions relating to large scale differences between migration systems, bird movements in extreme conditions, and what happens when birds and humans have to share aerial habitat.
Sissel Sjöberg, PhD
Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, University of Copenhagen
Sissel is a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen, where she studies migratory behaviour in birds. By using a wide variety of tracking technologies—from radiotelemetry to multisensory loggers and satellite tracking—she focuses on behaviour related to orientation, flight performance, and ontogeny in passerines. Sissel has a broad interest in behavioural and migration ecology.
Martin Stervander, PhD, Senior Curator of Birds
National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh
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Martin is the Senior Curator of Birds at National Museums Scotland, where he manages a collection of some 150,000 specimens and carries out research on birds. His main research lies within the evolution of birds, with a particular focus on island systems, and he makes use of modern DNA sequencing. One of Martin's current projects addresses the evolution of flight loss in rails on isolated islands, but he has a broad interest in ornithology, including e.g. taxonomy, migration ecology, and phenology.
Sören Svensson, Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology, Lund University
Sören has studied bird population change and distribution during more than sixty years, and also breeding performance and migration of several species. After the UN Stockholm conference in 1972 he was engaged by the Nature Conservation Agency to establish environmental monitoring in Sweden. In 1971 he joined the board of BirdLife Sweden and served as its president in 1982–1997. He also initiated the International Bird Census Committee and served as its first president. Sören has been Editor-in-Chief for Ornis Svecica in 1991–2019. After retirement from Lund University in 2002, he has continued long-term work with Starlings, and with bird and habitat change in Lapland.

History of the editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Jonas Waldenström (2020–), Sören Svensson (1991–2019)
Managing Editor: Martin Stervander (2019–)

Murielle Ålund (2022–)
Fredrik Andreasson (2022–)
Gunnar Gunnarsson (2022–)
Sissel Sjöberg (2020–)
Jonas Hentati Sundberg (2020–)
Cecilia Nilsson (2020–)
Anouschka Hof (2019–)
Martin Stervander (2017–)
Robert Ekblom (2008–)
Jonas Waldenström (2004–)
Sören Svensson (1991–)
Åke Lindström (1991–2023)
Andreas Nord (2020–2022)
Martina Kadin (2020–2020)
Dennis Hasselquist (1991–2018)
Martin Green (2007–2010)
Roland Sandberg (1991–2010)
Anders Hedenström (1991–2009)
Johan Lind (2002–2008)
Anders Brodin (1992–1994, 2000–2006)
Tomas Pärt (1992–2006)
Staffan Bensch (1991–2005)
Lennart Nilsson (1999–2005)
Jan-Åke Nilsson (1991–2004)
Thord Fransson (1994–2001)
Noél Holmgren (1991–2001)
Susanne Åkesson (1991–1999)
Mikael Hake (1992–1999)
Henrik Smith (1991–1997)
Mats Grahn (1991–1996)
Hans Källander (1991–1992)