Vol. 6 No. 2016:1 (2016): Nordidactica 2016:1

During the conferences NOFA 5 in Helsinki and NGM (Nordic Geographers Meeting) in Tallin (May and June 2015 respectively), we invited participants to make contributions in a special issue on geography education in the journal Nordidactica, on the foundation of their conference abstracts and presentations.
The conference sessions on geography and education had a broad thematic spectrum, including practical as well as theoretical aspects of teaching, studying, and learning geography in schools and at institutes of higher education. With this special issue we want to continue the discussion on the themes of geography and education in the Nordic context. But the aim is also to broaden the exchanges with ongoing research on geography education in Europe, and in the rest of the world. The issue will highlight the challenges of geography education in line with the conference themes “Changing Subjects, Changing Pedagogies: Diversities in School and Education” and “Geographical Imagination: Interpretations of Nature, Art, and Politics”.

The following number of Nordidactica contains a selection of the presentations given at the above-mentioned Nordic conferences in 2015, developed and extended into full papers.


Published: 2020-06-10