Komparativ religionsundervisning: Teoretiska förutsättningar och didaktiska implikationer


  • Johan Wickström Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet


religionsdidaktik, jämförelse, religionsfenomenologi, jämförande religionsvetenskap, Religionsundervisning


This article focuses how comparisons could be made within RE. The study is a theoretical review of research that culminates in some practical didactic implications for conscious comparisons. The article examines how previous research within the History of Religions and Religious Education has understood and applied comparison as a method. By identifying ideological and epistemological problems in this research, especially in the phenomenology of religion and in the everyday practice of RE, the article attempts to formulate some basic principles for more conscious comparisons. The article states that comparisons are central to knowledge-building, but that previous comparisons have had strong biases. Six didactical implications for teaching RE in the elementary school are formulated: 1. Problematize the concepts of religion, 2. Make limited comparisons, 3. Design the comparison categories consciously 4. Discuss the aims and results of the comparisons 5. Focus on similarities and differences and give “thick” context descriptions and 6. Use first-hand sources and texts. By this approach the article provides practical advice for teachers who want to work with comparisons in their teaching  while avoiding the most blatant pitfalls.

Author Biography

Johan Wickström, Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet

Johan Wickström är teologie doktor i religionshistoria och universitetslektor i didaktik vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet. Hans forskning handlar om religionsbegreppet i undervisningssammanhang, om social och religiös representation i skoltexter samt om kritiska perspektiv på teoretiska modeller inom högre utbildning.




How to Cite

Wickström, J. (2022). Komparativ religionsundervisning: Teoretiska förutsättningar och didaktiska implikationer . Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 12(2022:4), 47–77. Retrieved from https://journals.lub.lu.se/nordidactica/article/view/23903