Education for sustainable development in social studies

A scoping review of results from Scandinavian educational research


  • Magnus Børre Bragdø University of Agder




In recent years, education for sustainable development (ESD) has been given increased attention, not only in the science and geography subjects, but all through the curricula. In the Norwegian context, ESD is implemented as an interdisciplinary theme in the newly revised curriculum, and similar changes are happening in countries all over the world. This ongoing shift has implications for both teachers and researchers, and raises the question: what do we know about ESD in social science didactics? The present study is a scoping literature review of Scandinavian research on ESD in social science didactics. The goal of the study was to give an overview of the research at present, as well as to scope out an agenda for further research. Using a range of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 25 studies were identified on the subject. The review shows, first and foremost, that the field is small, as well as predictably fragmented given the size of the sample. Some tendencies both in regards to themes and methods were identified. The majority of the sample studies used documents like curricula and textbooks as their data source. Thematically, teacher conceptions and attitudes towards ESD, often in comparison between subjects, were the most common objects of inquiry. Student or teaching-centred research was less prominent. The review shows a need for more research on ESD practices in social science classrooms and its implementation into teacher education.

Author Biography

Magnus Børre Bragdø, University of Agder

Magnus Børre Bragdø is PhD Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science and Management at the University of Agder. His research is primarily focused on environmental and sustainability education in social studies, and he teaches at the teacher program at University of Agder.




How to Cite

Bragdø, M. B. (2022). Education for sustainable development in social studies: A scoping review of results from Scandinavian educational research. Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 12(2022:4), 101–123. Retrieved from