Agens och existens i ämnesundervisningen - medborgarbildning i religionskunskap, psykologi och samhällskunskap


  • Ann-Sofie Jägerskog Stockholms universitet
  • Thérèse Halvarson Britton Stockholms universitet
  • Maria Olson Stockholms universitet/Högskolan Dalarna


Citizenship Education, Subject Teaching, Arendt, Agency, Existence, Religious Education, Psychology, social studies didactics


The purpose of the article is twofold. Firstly, the ambition is to argue on a theoretical basis, with exemplification in three school subjects in Sweden - religious education, psychology and social studies, for a widening of the understanding of the citizenship education assignment of schools and subject teaching and the point in doing so. Secondly, the ambition is to show what this can mean specifically in relation to the subject teaching of these three school subjects in Swedish primary school and in upper secondary school. The starting point in the argumentation is taken from Hannah Arendt's thoughts on education, man and existence (2004, 1958/2013). The argument leads to the notion that the citizen-forming task  of subject teaching not only needs to include agency dimensions - students' 'doing', their opportunities for action and readiness for action in society and in the world - but also existential dimensions - students' 'being in society and the world', their opportunities to grow as unique people in  the meeting with subject teaching. As agency dimensions seem to be more elaborated in current subject didactic research than existential dimensions, the ambition in the article is to elaborate in an in-depth manner how existential dimensions can be depicted and the importance of them.

Author Biographies

Ann-Sofie Jägerskog, Stockholms universitet

Fil dr, universitetslektor, Institutionen för ämnesdidaktik, Stockholms universitet, samt lärare vid Fryshusets gymnasium, Stockholm

Thérèse Halvarson Britton, Stockholms universitet

Fil dr, Institutionen för ämnesdidaktik, Stockholms universitet, samt lärare vid Globala gymnasiet och medansvarig för SO-didaktik i centrum, Stockholm

Maria Olson, Stockholms universitet/Högskolan Dalarna

Professor i ämnesdidaktik, Institutionen för ämnesdidaktik, Stockholms universitet, samt gästprofessor i pedagogiskt arbete, Högskolan Dalarna




How to Cite

Jägerskog, A.-S., Halvarson Britton, T., & Olson, M. (2022). Agens och existens i ämnesundervisningen - medborgarbildning i religionskunskap, psykologi och samhällskunskap. Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 12(2022:4), 1–26. Retrieved from