Fagspesifikk literacy og posisjonering i grunnskolens religions- og livssynsfag

Et bidrag til en kritisk fagspesifikk literacy


  • Lars Unstad NTNU Trondheim


Religious education, Disciplinary literacy, Critical literacy, Positioning theory, Diversity of perspectives


This article addresses aspects of critical literacy in religious education (RE) in Norway. Based on the development of RE in recent decades, the scientific disciplines that form the basis for RE are called attention to. The importance of knowledge about the academic discourses that constitute the disciplinary basis for the school subject is discussed in light of disciplinary literacy understood as critical literacy and in light of positioning theory. An analysis of two literacy events taken from classroom observations show how discourses that belong to students' everyday life might also provide important perspectives on academic learning. This article argues for diversity of perspectives as a basis for critical disciplinary literacy in RE. Furthermore, it argues that awareness of positioning towards this diversity of perspectives can give students insight into how different discourses have their own unique ways of constructing knowledge about religions and worldviews. Insight into the knowledge construction and the rhetorical tools used in professional and personal discourses can contribute to the practice of students' critical disciplinary literacy.

Author Biography

Lars Unstad, NTNU Trondheim

Lars Unstad er førsteamanuensis i religionsdidaktikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Hans forskningsinteresser er lesing og literacy i religions- og livssynsfaget, samt religions- og livssynsmangfold. E-post: lars.unstad@ntnu.no



How to Cite

Unstad, L. (2022). Fagspesifikk literacy og posisjonering i grunnskolens religions- og livssynsfag : Et bidrag til en kritisk fagspesifikk literacy . Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 12(2022:4), 27–46. Retrieved from https://journals.lub.lu.se/nordidactica/article/view/23956