Religionslärande som bildningsresa: En kommentar till reviderad kursplan i religionskunskap i Sverige


  • Olof Franck Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk profession, Göteborgs universitet


Reviderad kursplan i religionskunskap, postsekulär religionsundervisning, ett vidgat religionskunskapsämne, Multidimensionell kunskap, Bildning


This article discusses the conditions for a widened concept of Religious Education with reference to the revised syllabus for the subject, which, in Sweden, will apply from autumn 2022. Although a discourse where purpose, core content and knowledge requirements continue to expose a narrow concept of subject knowledge, representing an ideology in which assessment and grades act as hegemonic parameters, it is claimed that the revised syllabus in RE offers indications of a broadening and deepening in the field of what teaching on religions, according to the national policy documents, should highlight. These indications are analysed, taking into account how the concept of bildning (Bildung), can be raised in relation to education and teaching. Not least, attention is paid to the meaning and content of a multidimensional form of knowledge in RE. Such attention appears to be well in line with a post-secular strategy for approaching issues on religion, knowledge, meaning and truth.

Author Biography

Olof Franck, Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk profession, Göteborgs universitet

Olof Franck är professor i ämnesdidaktik med inriktning mot samhällsorienterande ämnen, och docent i religionsfilosofi.


