Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies

					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies


The call for papers for Volume 7 of the Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies sought manuscripts which report rigorous research on Romanian language, literature, theatre and film, cultural studies, anthropology, history, translation studies, education as well as research seminars and reviews of works within these fields.
This first issue collates research which is both diverse and eclectic in topic and method by scholars from Turkey, Spain, Poland, Serbia, and Romania. This issue stands out because all the twelve papers are written in English. This deliberate decision not only sets a clear tone but also shows the journal’s dedication to encouraging worldwide conversation and making the content accessible. By using English as the only language, this issue reaches a broader audience, inviting people from different parts of the world to connect with the articles and join the discussion on the topics presented.

Article Highlights
The current issue of our journal starts with four different articles conducted from a literary perspective. Therefore, the Literature section serves as an indispensable component in the dissemination of knowledge including key theories, methodologies, and findings relevant to the existing literature.
1. The inaugural study in this segment, The Semantics of Language in Eugène Ionesco’s Plays, led by Cristina Mirela Nicolaescu, a Romanian scholar associated with Yozgat-Bozok University in Turkey, aims to scrutinize the distinctive attributes of Eugène Ionesco’s theatrical compositions, particularly within the avant-garde and theatre of the absurd genres. The paper explores how these texts function, focusing on elements of dramatic language that differ from everyday oral and written language. It traces the evolution of theatre from the period of decadentism, noting a crisis of character and communication in a hostile world, leading to the emergence of the theatre of the absurd.
2. In the second article of this section, The Status of the Romanian Literary Avant-Garde After 2000: From Marginalization to Recovery, Alexandru Foitoș from West University of Timișoara, Romania, highlights the persistence of a secondary avant-garde, comprised of overlooked writers, and examines post-2000 works to underscore the complexity of the avant-garde's recovery. Additionally, the study addresses post-Urmuz epigonism and advocates for a re-evaluation of marginalized avant-garde figures within contemporary Romanian literary scholarship.
3. Andrei Victor Cojocaru, from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, embarks on an intriguing journey in his forthcoming article, Eminescu and Kabbalah. He uncovers Eminescu’s prose’s mystical depths, influenced by Kabbalistic teachings, notably tracing parallels between Luceafărul’s Hyperion and the sephirah. Exploring the echoes of the Far East, Cojocaru intertwines them with Near Eastern mysticism, unravelling the symbolism within elements like water, symbolizing primal existence. Guided by Gaston Bachelard’s poetics, his exploration converges with the enigma of Ain Soph in Kabbalistic lore.
4. In the latest addition to the literary section, Why Politicize the Cultural Game? (Emil) Cioran’s Ethos: Mysticism, Religion and Ethnic Philosophy, Felix Narcis Nicolau, a professor affiliated with Complutense University of Madrid, presents a thought-provoking investigation. This research strives to explore the spiritual convictions entwined around Emil Cioran’s diverse writings. Employing philosophical and cultural lenses, alongside elements of positivist determinism like climate and health, Nicolau scrutinizes works spanning various creative epochs.
Anthropology emerges not merely as a field of study but as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a testament to our capacity for empathy and understanding. With its multidisciplinary approach, anthropology sheds light on universal human experiences and societal adaptations, addressing contemporary issues like globalization and social justice, offering a holistic framework for our interconnected world.
5. This section starts with a thought-provoking study by Ewa Nowicka from Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, and Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković from the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade. Their collaborative research, titled Cultural Intimacy, Cultural Distance: Methodological Aspects of anthropological Research into Romanians in Poland, undertakes the dynamics of migrant experiences and perceptions within the Romanian community residing in Poland. The authors illuminate the evolution of these perceptions over a span of five years, utilizing a unique comparative approach. They conducted in-depth, face-to-face interviews with Romanians living in Poland, employing the same guide but differing in the nationality of the interviewers: Polish interviewers in the initial round and a Romanian interviewer in the subsequent one. Their study not only sheds light on the intricate fabric of migrant experiences but also paves the way for a deeper analysis of the interaction between social scientists and their interlocutors.
6. In The Legacy of a 20th-century Cleric: A Catholic Priest’s Economic Chronicles. Anthropological Insights from Written Documents, Mária Szicszai from Babeș–Bolyai University of Cluj–Napoca presents a captivating exploration into a treasure-trove of personal economic records and supplementary documents originating from the 20th century. This collection, belonging to a Catholic priest hailing from Satu Mare County, Romania, stands as a tribute to a bygone era, offering a rare glimpse into the Hungarian-speaking region during this epoch. The study explores the priest's economic decisions, the value he placed on different assets, and his understanding of wealth in a changing society. The author not only honours the memory of a singular priest but also enriches our understanding of the human experience amidst the ebb and flow of history.
7. The latest article in the anthropology section, Historiographic Imaginary and Hypotheses of Heredity in the Configuration of Romanian Cultural Identity, examines the linguistic techniques, as well as compensatory trends in establishing and shaping a distinctive national identity. Similar to other emerging cultures, Romanian society has strived for survival and growth by defining its identity in relation to neighbouring cultural landscapes, either through opposition or alignment with foreign influences, mirroring a dynamic interplay between the concepts of Self and Other. Through an analysis of historical and literary manipulation, Ioana Alexandra Lionte-Ivan from The University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa, Iași, expounds upon how Romanian culture has responded to various challenges such as aging, identity crises, delayed development, and legitimacy concerns.
The third section of our journal comprises an article dedicated to History. Through the study of history, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of human civilization and the interconnectedness of our collective heritage, empowering us to experience the present with wisdom gleaned from the past.
8. Attila Carol Varga, representing George Barițiu Institute of History, explores the fascinating account of Swedish Freemason Lars von Engeström and his Description of Transylvania during the 18th century. Von Engeström, a multifaceted figure serving as a rector, diplomat, and envoy of the Kingdom of Sweden, provided valuable insights into Transylvania, including details about the uprising led by Horea, Cloșca, and Crișan in 1784. Despite uncertainties regarding his physical presence in Transylvania, von Engeström’s portrayal offers a vivid fresco of the region, depicting its ethnic and confessional diversity, including perspectives of the Romanian Roma community and the challenges faced by its inhabitants.
By featuring Research Seminars, our journal fosters collaboration and networking among researchers, scholars, and academics. Specifically designed to acquire targeted knowledge within their academic field, the two research seminars presented in this issue focus on providing field research, instruction, research findings, and generating ideas for future research endeavours.
9. In their contribution to our journal, Otilia Hedeșan and Diana Mihuț, from West University of Timișoara, present the inaugural research seminar titled Rethinking Fieldwork: Researching Food in the Aftermath of Lockdown. This article consists of field research methodology within the context of addressing the uncertainties stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic. Through the lens of investigating Romanian food heritage, the authors offer a compelling analysis, drawing from five poignant interviews conducted during the height of the pandemic. Furthermore, they unravel the motivations driving individuals to share their life experiences and cultural knowledge amidst such uncertainties, revealing a profound duty to preserve and transmit cultural heritage. This research seminar not only offers insights into the methodological challenges of fieldwork in unprecedented times but also celebrates the resilience and commitment of communities to preserve their cultural identity.
10. Gabriel-Dan Bărbuleț, from 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba-Iulia, presents a comprehensive examination titled Pragmatic Strategies in Teaching the Romanian Language to International Students. Through a multifaceted methodology comprising literature review, classroom observations, and interviews with seasoned instructors, the research addresses the diverse challenges encountered by learners amidst the backdrop of increasing globalization. Drawing from sociolinguistic theories, the study underscores the pivotal role of pragmatic competence in fostering effective communication. Ultimately, the study offers valuable insights for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers, advocating for culturally sensitive language curricula that promote cross-cultural communication and bridge cultural divides.
The Book Reviews section serves as a critical component within our journal, offering a platform for scholars and experts to engage with and evaluate the latest publications in their respective fields. The current issue welcomes two such book reviews.
11. Mădălina Elena Mandici from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi introduces The Séance of Reading: Uncanny Designs in Modernist Writing (2023), a book inspired by Thomas J. Cousineau’s extensive teaching background and his involvement in Romanian academia as a Fulbright scholar. Mandici’s work invites readers to explore seminal texts from American and European literature by examining them through the prism of the Romanian ballad The Legend of Master Manole and Mircea Eliade’s perspective on mythical creation through sacrifice.
12. Monica Manolachi from the University of Bucharest reviews the scholarly significance of Dicționarul Romanului Central-European din Secolul XX [The Dictionary of Central European Novel in the 20th Century], coordinated by Adriana Babeți and edited by Oana Fotache. This project is viewed as a pioneering effort to chart a transnational literary phenomenon. Manolachi’s analysis highlights the dictionary’s uniqueness, showcasing its rich linguistic diversity and multicultural scope. With 250 entries covering works initially published in one of the fourteen languages spoken in the region, including international languages like French and English, the dictionary encompasses both canonical texts and lesser-known works, offering a comprehensive exploration of Central European literature in the 20th century.

As we put together the reviewer board for Volume 7, Issue 1 of the Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, we have gathered a diverse group of 28 wonderful peer reviewers. These experts come from prestigious universities and respected research institutes across a spectrum of countries: Poland, Italy, Israel, Bulgaria, and Romania. Their backgrounds cover a wide range of academic specialties, ensuring that our evaluation process for this issue is thorough and varied. With their combined knowledge and viewpoints, our reviewers offer valuable insights that add depth to the scholarly discussions and uphold the high standards of academic excellence that we strive for in our journal. We are incredibly grateful to each member of the reviewer board for their important contributions to maintaining the quality and integrity of our publication.
We extend our profound gratitude to the 20 esteemed permanent members of the scientific advisory board for their invaluable contributions to this issue of the journal. These dedicated individuals hail from universities and research institutes across the globe, representing a diverse array of countries including Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, USA, China, Sweden, and Romania. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and their expertise in their respective fields have greatly enriched the quality and depth of the research published in this issue.


Andra Iulia Ursa



Reviewer Board for this issue

Mona Arhire, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania

Nicolae Bârna, Romanian Academy, “G. Călinescu” Institute of Literary History and Literary Theory, Bucharest, Romania

Diana Câmpan, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Rodica Gabriela Chira, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Andreea Raluca Constantin, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania

Ela Cosma, Romanian Academy, “George Barițiu” Institute of History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Amalia Cotoi, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Marius Crișan, West University of Timișoara, Romania

Daniel Dejica, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania

Carmen Dimitriu, Tel Aviv University, Israel / Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest, Romania

Carmen Dominte, National University of Music, Bucharest, Romania

Marcela Fărcașiu, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania

Giulia Ferdeghini, University of Turin, Italy

Gelu Florea, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Tomasz Klimkowski, “Adam Mickiewicz” University, Poznan, Poland

Loredana Ilie, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland / Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest, Romania / Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, Romania

Petru Ștefan Ionescu, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Slawomir Lodzinski, University of Warsaw, Poland

Luiza Marinescu, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria / Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest, Romania / Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania

Emanuel Modoc, Romanian Academy, “Sextil Pușcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ovidiu Morar, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Maria Mureșan, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Ana Magdalena Petraru, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania

Nicoleta Popa Blănariu, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania

Corina Selejan, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania

Lucia Terzea Ofrim, University of Bucharest, Romania

Cosmina Timoce-Mocanu, Romanian Academy, “Sextil Pușcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ottmar Trașcă, Romanian Academy, “George Barițiu” Institute of History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The editorial activities undertaken by Associate Editor Lucian Vasile Bâgiu for this issue, which included visits to the University of Bucharest, the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, and the West University of Timișoara, were partially funded through Order no. 3721/22.02.2023 issued by the Romanian Ministry of Education.

Published: 2024-05-15

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