The legacy of a 20th-century cleric: a Catholic priest’s economic chronicles. Anthropological insights from written documents




anthropology of writing, economic records , 20th Century Romania , clerical and agricultural life


This study focuses on a unique collection of personal economic records and additional documents from the 20th century, belonging to a Catholic priest from Satu Mare County, Romania. The material is exceptional, as it represents a rare collection of written documents from the Hungarian-speaking region of the 20th century, authored by a Catholic priest. These records provide an in-depth look into the life of a priest, who, despite his clerical duties, maintained a strong connection to farming, a legacy from his farmer-herdsman parents of Swabian descent. The economic records, which span from 1949 to the 1960s, offer insights into the priest's personal and economic life. They include narratives about managing a parish, engaging in farming activities, and handling personal financial transactions. These documents not only reflect his efforts to balance religious responsibilities with agricultural interests but also illuminate the socio-economic conditions of the time. The study explores the priest's economic decisions, the value he placed on different assets, and his understanding of wealth in a changing society. It also examines the broader context of peasant embourgeoisement in 20th-century Romania, highlighting how a priest and his family navigated the transition from a traditional peasant lifestyle to a more bourgeois existence. This transition is evidenced by their adoption of modern goods and technologies, changes in family dynamics, and shifts in career strategies, reflecting the complex interplay between personal, economic, and social factors during a period of significant societal change. Overall, the paper offers a micro-historical perspective on the life of this 20th-century priest, providing valuable insights into his unique experiences and the broader socio-economic transformations of the era.

Author Biography

Mária Szikszai, Babeș–Bolyai University, Cluj–Napoca, Romania

Maria Szikszai, PhD, is an anthropologist and a faculty member at the Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. Her research areas encompass the Anthropology of Art, Sacred Art, the study of Swabians in Satu Mare, Romania, Anthropology of Writing, and more recently, Digital Culture. As part of her academic work, she has published seven books as a single author, most recently a book with Lexington Books in the United States (Community Networks and Cultural Practices in Twentieth-Century Romania. Paper-Based Cultures in the Writings of a Catholic Priest. Lexington Books, Lanham – Boulder – New York – London, 2023). She is also the editor and co-editor of 16 books and has published more than 30 studies in national and international journals and collective volumes. Her book, published in 2020 (Letűnt világok antropológiája és a megismerhetetlen különös szépsége [Anthropology of a Bygone Worlds and the Beauty of What We Will Never Know] Societatea Muzeului Ardelean, Cluj-Napoca, 2020), won the publisher’s Book of the Year Award.


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How to Cite

Szikszai, M. (2024). The legacy of a 20th-century cleric: a Catholic priest’s economic chronicles. Anthropological insights from written documents. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(1), 95–113.