Eminescu and Kabbalah





Kabbalah, Archaeus, symbol, reverie, the journey of initiation


In the pages of this article, we will bring together a series of interpretations of Eminescu’s writings that prove the influence of the mysticism of Kabbalah on the great Romanian author. The understanding of Eminescu’s poems through the lens of Kabbalah is a perspective adopted by several scholars. For example, starting with G. Călinescu, Hyperion (from the poem “Luceafărul”) was compared to a sefirah. Since the influences of the Far East seem to be much more significant in the literary context in question, we will start from them and, later, correlate them with elements from the ideological background of Near Eastern mysticism. We will also point out certain aspects of the symbolism of the elements and, above all, of water – which is, ultimately, an emblem of the primordial space from which existence is born. Thus, starting from the perspective of Gaston Bachelard’s poetics of the elements, we will investigate the correlation with the mysterious Ain Soph of Kabbalah.

Author Biography

Andrei Victor Cojocaru, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania

Andrei Victor Cojocaru (born in 1993, Iași) is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Romance Studies, Journalism and Communication Sciences, and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Letters, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. He holds a PhD in Philology with a thesis titled: The Symbolism of the Initiation Journey: From Quest to the Fantasy Genre, which was subsequently published by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Publishing House. He teaches practical courses on Literary Text Analysis and conducts seminars on World Literature, Comparative Mythology, and Literary Hermeneutics. Additionally, he has contributed articles and studies to various academic and cultural journals. His main scientific interests lie in the hermeneutics of symbols, comparative literature, and mythology.


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How to Cite

Cojocaru, A. V. (2024). Eminescu and Kabbalah. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(1), 37–48. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v7i1.25345