Etik som intenderet, aktualiseret og evalueret indhold i Kristendomskundskab/Religion på læreruddannelsen


  • Hanne Fie Rasmussen UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense.
  • Julie Nørgaard UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense
  • Pernille Julie Østergaard Nielsen UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense

Emneord (Nøkkelord):



Abstract: Ethics is not a separate subject in the Danish primary school but incorporated in other subjects in various ways e.g. as part of the subject kristendomskundskab/religion (Knowledge of Christianity). It remains unclear precisely how student teachers are prepared for addressing ethics as a didactic content in relation to their future teacher profession. This article explores ethics as a didactic content in the course in Danish teacher education and centers on how teacher educators initiate student teachers into the above-mentioned field. We conducted interviews with teacher educators, collected course plans and student assignments to explore how ethics undergo stages of transformation with Frede V. Nielsens approach to didactic content. Focusing on ethics as an intended content, as an actualised content concluding with ethics as an evaluated content. Subsequently we apply action-oriented didactics and Gert Biestas three domains of purpose; qualification, socialization, and subjectification, and discuss how these become apparent and how they can contribute to prepare student teachers for their future teacher profession. This article illustrates a diversity of ways of working with ethics as didactic content in the course in Danish teacher education including how ethics can be centered around action-orientated didactics and the potentials, challenges and points of attention this imparts to the course.


Hanne Fie Rasmussen, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense.

Hanne Fie Rasmussen er Cand.mag.pæd. Ph.d.og forsker i almen didaktiske problemstillinger. Hun  er adjunk på læreruddannelsen, hvor hun underviser i lærerens grundfaglighed.

Julie Nørgaard, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense

Julie Nørgaard er Cand.mag. i Nordisk Sprog og Litteratur og Filosofi og underviser på læreruddannelsen i Odense. Her underviser hun i lærerens grundfaglighed.

Pernille Julie Østergaard Nielsen , UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole. Læreruddannelsen i Odense

Pernille Julie Østergaard Nielsen er folkeskolelærer, Cand.mag.pæd og underviser i lærerens grundfaglighed på læreruddannelsen i Odense.


