Vurdering i samfunnskunnskap: Kunnskaper, ferdigheter eller holdninger?


  • Kjetil Børhaug Universitetet i Bergen
  • Mona Langø Universitetet i Bergen




To the extent that assessment in social studies has been examined empirically, it suggests that, although factual knowledge is still important, skills are also included. However, it is unclear which knowledge and skills are being measured, and it is unclear whether values and attitudes play a role in assessment practice in the subject. Therefore, there is a need to examine in more detail what is assessed in social studies. As a contribution to this, we ask: What is assessed, according to teachers themselves, when formal and planned assessments are arranged in the Norwegian compulsory social studies subject at upper secondary level 1? The basis for the discussion is an interview material with 9 teachers about their assessment practice. It is an important finding that the teachers in no way report that they restrict themselves to assessing the reproduction of knowledge, but also assess various skills. Both discussions, discussion of different political positions, analysis of what there is empirical evidence for and what the students themselves think, are important skills. Overall, it must be said that the open form of reflection and the discussion of different opinions on current issues are just as evident in the teachers´ assessment practices as the subject-specific analysis. The subject-specific skill that is most clearly formulated concerns empirical investigations using social science methods. It is striking that attitudes and values are hardly visible in the assessment practices that are revealed.


Author Biographies

Kjetil Børhaug, Universitetet i Bergen

Kjetil Børhaug er statsviter, utdannet ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har vært tilknyttet ulike lærerutdanningsinstitusjoner siden 1994 og er nå professor i samfunnsfagsdidaktikk ved Universitetet i Bergen. Han har publisert om blant annet demokratisk dannelse, global undervisning, elevdemokrati, læremiddelanalyser og politisk styring av samfunnsfag.

Mona Langø, Universitetet i Bergen

Mona Langø er universitetslektor i samfunnskunnskapsdidaktikk ved Universitetet i Bergen og er tilknyttet PPU og Integrert lektorutdanning ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet. Hun har tidligere publisert forskning om ferdigheten å drøfte i samfunnsfag, vurdering i samfunnskunnskap, samfunnsfag som et engasjementsfag og kritisk tenking.  

