Editorial Team

Two scholarly editors are jointly responsible for daily operations and are appointed for two years. The editorship rotates between the Nordic countries. Karlstad University appoints a technical and an administrative editor to assist the main editors.

Editorial Office

Executive editors 2023/24

Anuleena Kimanen


Anuleena Kimanen är universitetslektor i religions- och historiedidaktik  i Universitet i Åbo (Turun yliopisto), Pedagogiska fakulteten, och docent i Universitet i Helsingfors, Teologiska fakulteten. Bland hennes forskningsintressen är aktiv medborgarskap hos etnisk minoritetsungdom, kulturell och religiös mångfald samt social rättvisa i undervisning, dialog mellan livsåskådningarna, elevperspektiv och klassruminteraktion i religionundervisning, och islamisk religionundervisning.

Martin Ubani


Martin Ubani, professor of religious education, works at the University of Eastern Finland, school of Theology & school of Applied Sciences in Education and Teacher Education. His research focuses on religion in public education, religious education didactics and teacher education. Hi serves and has served in several positions of trust in the Academia and in educational policy. Since 2016 he has been a research fellow at Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. Homepage: https://uefconnect.uef.fi/en/person/martin.ubani/

Assistant editors

Johan Samuelsson (administrative editor)

Karlstad University



Anders Broman (technical editor)

Karlstad University

Social Studies


Editorial Council for Nordidactica

The editorial council shall comprise representatives of the partnership Nordic universities and HEIs and CSD representatives.

The editorial council has the following members:

  • Chair: Johan Samuelsson, professor in History, Karlstad University 
  • Anders Stig Christensen, lektor didaktik Samfunnsfag,  UCL Odense
  • Heidi Eskelund Knudsen, lektor Historiedidaktik, UCL Odense 
  • Kristina Ledman, FD i historia med utbildningsvetenskaplig inriktning

    Docent i pedagogik, Umeå universitet

  • Annika Lilja, lektor Institutionen för pedagogik och pedagogisk profession, Göteborgs universitet
  • Niclas Modig, doktor Pedagogiskt arbete, samhällskunskap, Karlstads universitet
  • Kristian Niemi, doktor Ämnesdidaktik, religion, Karlstads universitet
  • Olof Franck, professor of social science subject didactics (Religious education), Gotheburg University
  • Geir Skeie, professor of Religious Studies, University of Stavanger
  • Jan Löfström, Professor of History and Social Studies Education, Åbo University
  • Roar Madsen, senior amanuesis of social studies (History), Norwegian University of Science and Technology