About the Journal
Nordidactica was established in 2011, in order to be a forum for publication of subject didactical research in the Nordic countries within History, Geography, Religious Education, Civics, and Political Science, as well as contributing to knowledge and spread of subject didactical issues within these subjects.
Aims and Scope
Nordidactica - Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education is a Nordic subject didactical peer-review journal that aims to be a forum for research relevant to school, teacher education, and higher education. Subject didactical studies of teaching and learning in Geography, History, Civics, Political Science, and Religious Education are especially focused, but the journal is also open to papers treating broader themes that include issues pertaining to these subjects.
Examples of suitable themes for manuscripts:
- The histories of the subjects and connections between societal change and concpetions of subject content and aims
- The relationship between the school subjects and the academic disciplines
- Subject integrations: possibilities and restrictions
- Teaching and learning in specific subjects
- Critical studies of curricula and syllabi
- Comparative studies of subjects
- Comparisons between the Nordic countires
The journal primarily accepts manuscripts written in Norwegian, Swedish, och Danish, but also accepts manuscripts in English. All manuscripts have abstracts in English. The journal is published digitally and includes:
- Peer-reviewed research papers
- A section containing reviews, conference information, presentations of ongoing research projects, and other news within the field.
Ownership and Operation
The Journal is owned by the Centre for Social Science Didactics (CSD) at Karlstad University, and is operated by a joint network of participants from institutions of higher learning in the Nordic countries. The journal editorship is rotated between the participating insitutions, and are appointed for a duration of two years. Technical and administative editors are from Karlstad University. An Editorial Board directs the journal. The statutes of the jornal can be found here: Stadgar Nordidactica
Overarching ethical and editorial principles of the Journal
The ethical principles are derived from the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editoris. See the Publication Ethics at COPE: https://publicationethics.org/
Editors will:
- Secure that journal manuscripts are reviewed for their scientific qualities and not let other factors such as gender, ethnicity, citizenship, ideology, or religion affect the review.
- Strive to find the most suitable reviewers for submitted manuscripts
- Inform the reviewers of the review principles of the journal
- Inform the reviewers that suspicion of plagiarism and violations of ethical principles must be reported to the editors
- Bear the ultimate responsibility for publication of manuscripts
- Accept proposals for revisions of published manuscripts, and if necessary withdraw manuscipts
- In the journal distinguish clearly between different types of publications, making it clear which papers have been peer reviewed
- Take into consideration the assessment of the peer reviewers when deciding whether to accept a manuscript
Reviewers will:
- Review manuscripts with regard to their scientific quality and not let other factors such as gender, ethnicity, citizenship, ideology, or religion afect the review.
- Contribute with their factual knowledge to enhance the manuscripts
- Report conflicts of interest to the editors
- Report suspicion of plagiarism or violation of ethical principles to the editors
- Use discretion when reviewing manuscripts, and mainly discuss uncertainties with the editors
- Contribute to the decision to publish or reject manuscripts
Authors will:
- Ensure that the correct authors are provided
- Follow ethical guielines for research
- Ensure that submitted manuscripts are not simultaneously submitted to other journals
- Inform of any conflicts of interest
- Inform about external financing of the research
- when discovering errors that affect conclusions and results inform the editors