Geografi i studentexamen i Finland: Hur skolans kursutbud påverkar de studerandes val av krävande uppgifter i gymnasieskolans slutexamen





The upper secondary school in Finland has experienced major changes in both the national curriculum and in the matriculation examination, a nationwide exam that is taken during the final year of upper secondary school. The digitalization of the exam in recent years has had an impact on the assignments in the test. Our research question concerns the causal relationship between the number of geography courses a school offers and the quality of the students’ answers. Our empirical material consists of the students’ performance on the geography assignments in the matriculation examination in the spring of 2010 (an analogue exam) and 2020 (a digital exam). The performance is studied in relation to the share of the students’ answers on questions which, according to Bloom’s revised taxonomy, require higher-order cognitive skills. We utilise multiple regression and control for several contextual factors. We find strong empirical evidence for a positive correlation between the number of geography courses a school offers and the level of difficulty of the assignments that the students choose to tackle. This correlation exists in the digital exam of 2020, but not in the analogue exam a decade earlier. Our findings have important implications for forthcoming development of national curricula and matriculation examinations.


Christina Ruth, Helsingfors universitet

Christina Ruth är doktorand vid avdelningen för geovetenskaper och geografi vid Helsingfors universitet. Hennes forskning fokuserar på studentexamensproven i geografi. Hon har jobbat som gymnasielektor i geografi i drygt 25 år, som censor i geografi vid Studentexamensnämnden sedan 2002 och skrivit flera läromedel i geografi för gymnasieskolan.

Tomas Hanell, Migrationsinstitutet

Tomas Hanell är teknologie doktor och specialforskare vid Migrationsinstitutet i Finland. Hans huvudsakliga forskningsområden omfattar inrikes flyttrörelser, regional utveckling, livskvalitetens geografi samt statistiska indikatorer och mätandets politik.




Referera så här

Ruth, C., & Hanell, T. (2023). Geografi i studentexamen i Finland: Hur skolans kursutbud påverkar de studerandes val av krävande uppgifter i gymnasieskolans slutexamen. Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 13(2023:4), 133–157. Hämtad från