Le musée de niche. Nouvel exploit dans la muséographie

The small museum. New exploitation in museography


  • Madalina Iacob Universitatea de Vest Timisoara




anthropology museum art cultural studies


In all the complexity of the museum study, there is a slight border that deserves all the attention of the researchers: the one of the niche museums. This work starts from the idea according to which the museum becomes a symbol of cultural practice in the contemporary era. In addition to the successful museums that are being built and built in the city, there is a new tendency to transform some spaces into small museums. These, in full process of heritage building, can highlight a series of features and characteristics of a society. The research of the niche museum starts from Ulf Hannerz, who says in his study that anthropology must renew its limits, it must take into account urban life. Researchers should not focus only on rural areas, in small, homogeneous communities, especially as they are outside Western societies Urban anthropology must be based on a range of social and cultural phenomena that will rarely be found in rural areas and which must be analyzed in the light of the diversity of human societies in general, says Ulf Hannerz, like the diversity of museums. From the chocolate museum, the lace museum, the cake museum, the cheese museum or the flower museum, all these culturally-rendered spaces are meant to anonymously remove some objects or crafts that are characteristic of a particular group and which subsequently become part of the immaterial cultural heritage. The Dictionary of Ethnology and Anthropology defines the study of anthropology regarding museography as a necessity inherent in the advancement of ethnography. Researchers such as Robert Park, Ulf Hannerz, Clifford Geertz, André Malraux or Chiara Bortolotto have studied the relationship of the museum with the city, thus implicitly with society. The conclusions they draw have the following aspect in common: the museum has the intrinsic ability to model and structure the immediate society.

Author Biography

Madalina Iacob, Universitatea de Vest Timisoara

Mădălina Iacob is an Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science, the West University of Timişoara. Since 2017 she has been teaching subjects such as: Coroana României / The Crown of Romania, Despre bunele maniere în contemporaneitate / Good manners in contemporaneity, Instituţii Politice / Political Institutions, Introducere în protocol şi etichetă diplomatice / Introduction to protocol and diplomatic etiquette, Geostrategie şi geopolitică / Geostrategy and Geopolitics. She has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the West University of Timisoara, supervised by Dr Otilia Hedeşan.

Mădălina Iacob received two bachelor degrees from the West University of Timişoara, one in Cultural Studies, and the other in European Political Studies. She is currently working on a new book: Cultural diplomacy as an element of soft power. Case study: International Music Festival „George Enescu”.

She has participated in several conferences regarding Political Relations, Anthropology and Diplomacy.


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How to Cite

Iacob, M. (2021). Le musée de niche. Nouvel exploit dans la muséographie: The small museum. New exploitation in museography. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4(1), 160–172. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v4i1.22109

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