No. 4 (2019): Provocatio. Journal of Human Rights

					View No. 4 (2019): Provocatio. Journal of Human Rights

This is the fourth issue of Provocatio. Provocatio is published by Human Rights Studies at Lund University. A main aim of the journal is to make students' essays available for a wider audience. This issue contains ten articles by students and recent alumni from the Human Rights Studies Bachelor programme.

Editors of Provocatio are Lena Halldenius and Andreas Tullberg. Guest editors for this issue are Alice Hertzberg and Annika Marie Ruge.



Contents  – Links below

NICOLE DELAY The EU’s Identity. Using Sanctions to Construct the International ‘Self’

JOHANNA CAMINATI ENGSTRÖM Swedish Civil Society Support to Turkey in Times of Shrinking Civil Space

MARAL AFSHARIAN Avvägning mellan föreningsfrihet och förbud mot rasistiska organisationer

MELISSA LENNARTSSON Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Ett problem under förhandling

ODA KAROLINE FOLDØY Menstruasjonstabu og skam i lys av religiøs isolasjonstradisjon i Nepal

EBBA CARLSON What do Swedish Students Think About the Sale of Sexual Services?

CECILIA CEDLÖF Betydelsen av sociala nätverk för ensamkommande unga. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

ELISABET YDMAN Between Bahrain and Europe. A Qualitative Interview Study of Life and Activism in Exile

MARIA VESTRIN Volontärresor – Ett nytt uttryck för ’White Man’s Burden’? 131

MATTIAS SVAN To Construct a Stranger. A Qualitative Content Analysis of How Vulnerable EU-Citizens are Portrayed in Swedish Media

Published: 2019-05-06