Strömstarens Cinclus c. cinclus utbredning och häckningsbiologi i Värmland
häckningsbiologi, häckningsframgång, val av boplats, hot, antropogena effekter, utsläpp, populationsstudierAbstract
The Dipper shows decreasing population trends in several areas in western Europe. Probable reasons for this are increased acidity and turbidity of the water in streams important for foraging. Furthermore, new bridge and dam constructions provide poor opportunities for nest placement. In view of this, it is important to register breeding performance at both manmade and natural nest sites. Here I report on a 14-year study of the distribution and breeding biology of the Dipper in the province of Värmland in central Sweden. During this period I checked the position, timing, content and fate of a total of 100 nests.
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