Classroom Studies on Religious Education – A Variety of Approaches

A review of Mette Buchardt. 2014. Pedagogized Muslimness. Religion and Culture as Identity Politics in the Classroom. Waxmann.


  • Elisabet Haakedal University of Agder


In 2014 Mette Buchardt’s Phd thesis from 2008 was published in English as the 27th volume in the Waxmann series called Religious Diversity and Education in Europe. The Danish title of the thesis is Identitetspolitik i klasserummet. ‘Religion’ og ‘kultur’ som viden og social klassification. Studier i et praktiseret skolefag. (See Geir Skeie’s excellent review in the Norwegian journal, Prismet, vol. 60, no. 1, 2009, pp. 47-53, where he compares Buchardt’s thesis with two other Nordic Phd theses from the same year.) Both Buchardt’s titles give precise information on the overall theme and content of her thesis. I will give an overview based on the English text and add a few comments related to the wide field(s) of research on religion and education. The single quotation marks used below primarily repeat the way Buchardt uses such signs, quite in line with her theoretical and methodological position.




Referera så här

Haakedal, E. (2015). Classroom Studies on Religious Education – A Variety of Approaches: A review of Mette Buchardt. 2014. Pedagogized Muslimness. Religion and Culture as Identity Politics in the Classroom. Waxmann. Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 5(2015:2), 169–171. Hämtad från



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