Practical Theology – Relevant for Multicultural Religion and World View Education?

A review of John M. Hull. 2014. Towards the Prophetic Church. A Study of Christian Mission. SCM Press.


  • Elisabet Haakedal University of Agder


During the last quarter of the 20th century and well into the 21st, John M. Hull was among the most distinguished international authorities in the academic field of religious education. He was, for example, a contributor to the production of the 1975 Birmingham Agreed Syllabus, one of the first and most debated multicultural religious education syllabuses in England and Wales. In 2004 Hull retired from his position as Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Birmingham, and began teaching practical theology at the nearby Queen’s Foundation, an independent ecumenical theological institution for the education of ministers and lay people.




Referera så här

Haakedal, E. (2015). Practical Theology – Relevant for Multicultural Religion and World View Education? A review of John M. Hull. 2014. Towards the Prophetic Church. A Study of Christian Mission. SCM Press. Nordidactica. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 5(2015:2), 166–168. Hämtad från



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