Prefabricerade modulhus eller arkitektritade lösvirkeshus? Skilda handläggarideal inom Arbetsförmedlingen och Försäkringskassan


  • Katarina Hollertz Institutionen för socialt arbete, Göteborgs universitet
  • Ylva Wallinder Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet
  • Kerstin Jacobsson Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet


Caseworker, caseworker ideal, client-construction, street-level bureaucracy, welfare bureaucracy


This article compares caseworkers’ ideals in two Swedish welfare bureaucracies, the Social Insurance Agency (SIA) and the Public Employment Service (PES). The different caseworker ideals are illustrated by a house-building metaphor: prefabricated modular houses where standardized tools and centralized procedures are key for a ‘well-performed job’ (SIA) and the individually planned house, where individualisation and adaptation to the client are key for a ‘well-performed job’ (PES). The analysis identifies differences in the client-construction in case-work, related to the differing caseworker ideals; the client is either reduced (the SIA) or expanded (the PES). The article contributes an increased understanding of the consequences of caseworker ideals for client constructions.


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— Updated on 2021-06-23