Designing Insights into Gut Health and the Microbiome: Evaluation of two activities central to a new distance course at Lund University


  • Stephen Burleigh


Distance Course Design, Active Learning, Course Evaluation


This paper discusses the design of two activities for Insights into Gut Health and the Microbiome, a distance-based course under development at the Department of Food Technology at Lund University for the Fall term of 2020. While the development of every activity within the course should be approached from a teaching theory perspective and prepared in a rational and well thought out manner, two activities in particular, namely the proposed active-learning webinars and the student evaluation activity, require extra attention for the course to be a success. Here, I discuss the design, benefits and some potential pitfalls of these two activities in an attempt to achieve a high level of teaching quality and course satisfaction. The knowledge and insight gained from this analysis is applicable and transferable to other distance courses under development at LU.

