Kungsfågelns Regulus regulus höstflyttning över Stora Fjäderägg
ringmärkning, fågelstation, migration, tid för migration, fenologi, ringmärkningsåterfyndAbstract
During the period 1985 to 1992 a total of 18,520 Goldcrests Regulus regulus were ringed in the autumn at Stora Fjäderägg Bird Observatory (63°49'N, 21°00'E). The mean migratory period, defined as the period including 90% of the bird trapped over these years was 39 days. The mean of median dates was 22 September compared to 14 October at Falsterbo. Goldcrest migration speed through Sweden was estimated to 47 km/day according to the difference in mean median date from Stora Fjäderägg and Falsterbo bird observatories. The average migratory direction in the autumn was southwest (230.5°). The migratory direction of the passing Goldcrests at Stora Fjäderägg seems to be more uniform than at bird observatories in southern Sweden. According to the few controls of ringed birds at Stora Fjäderägg, the source area for Goldcrests passing Stora Fjäderägg seems to be on the east side of the northern part of the Baltic sea.
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