Prekariserande arbetsförhållanden?
En kvalitativ studie om upplevda negativa organisatoriska arbetsvillkor inom barnomsorgen
Preschool teachers, Precarisation of working conditions, Working conditions, Qualitative researchAbstract
The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the preschool teacher’s experienced working conditions, as described in the testimonies of a social media call named #pressatläge. The study was based on anonymized testimonies from all over the country. The analysis of the data material resulted in three main themes: a) precarious working conditions, b) the preschool environment as a crisis site and c) the vulnerability of children now and in the future. The consequences of poor working conditions among pre-school teachers are primarily psychological vulnerability and secondly they are jeopardizing the best of the children and the pre-school teacher profession itself.