Arta sofismului. Retorică, discurs, simulare și profeții în Însemnările zilnice ale lui Carol al II-lea

The art of sophistry. Rhetoric, discourse and prophecies in Carol II’s Însemnări zilnice (Daily Notes)




rhetoric, oratory, stylistics, Carol II of Romania, politics


The diary of the Romanian king Carol II, Însemnări zilnice (Daily Notes), may seem sketchy, but it is loaded with significant deeds and details. Additionally, it is stylistically marked from the point of view of omissions, allusions, and dissimulations. The epoch was one of complex historical background and the author made use of various, even if diminished, rhetoric figures. Rhetoric, oratory, and stylistics play many roles in the autobiographical pact. Carol II made use of them în a scarce manner precisely with the purpose of increasing the authenticity and sincerity of his discourse. On the other hand, many entries in the diary are hasty, but they strive to glorify or justify the king and his entourage. We sooner than later identify a macrorhetoric intended to delineate, on the one hand, a sophistic royal potrait and to decipher and characterize people belonging to the high society, on the other hand, a strategy to tackle with a tumultuous decade.

Author Biography

Felix Nicolau, Complutense University of Madrid

Felix Nicolau is a visiting professor at Complutense University of Madrid and professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication, The Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. He was a visiting professor in the Faculty of Humanities, Lund University, Sweden between 2017 and 2021. He is affiliated to the Doctoral School of Philology of 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia. He defended his PhD in Romanian and Comparative Literature in 2003 and is the author of many books of literary and communication theory: Istoria nucleară a culturii. Cuante hermeneutice (2021), Ingen fara på taket/ Totul e sub control. Lär dig rumänska/ Învaţã limba românã (2020), You Are not Alone. Culture and Civilization (2018), Morpheus: from Text to Images. Intersemiotic Translations (2016), Take the Floor. Professional Communication Theoretically Contextualized (2014), Cultural Communication: Approaches to Modernity and Postmodernity (2014), Comunicare şi creativitate. Interpretarea textului contemporan (Communication and Creativity. The Interpretation of Contemporary Text, 2014), Homo Imprudens (2006), Anticanonice (Anticanonicals, 2009), Codul lui Eminescu (Eminescu’s Code, 2010), and Estetica inumană: de la Postmodernism la Facebook (The Inhuman Aesthetics: from Postmodernism to Facebook, 2013), a few volumes of poetry and novels. He is member in the editorial board of The Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies. His areas of interest are translation studies, the theory of communication, comparative literature, cultural studies, translation studies, and British and American studies, and Romanian studies.


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How to Cite

Nicolau, F. . (2022). Arta sofismului. Retorică, discurs, simulare și profeții în Însemnările zilnice ale lui Carol al II-lea: The art of sophistry. Rhetoric, discourse and prophecies in Carol II’s Însemnări zilnice (Daily Notes). Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 161–177.