Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Cultural Developments





glosses, Chinese culture, School of Braşov, semiotics, postmodernism


Romulus Bucur is a renowned writer and literary critic. He is also faculty member at Transylvania University of Braşov, institution well-known for its courses of creative writing and translation studies. “Glosses” is a nimbly written theoretical book wherein many topics are analyzed. One of the most important is the work of Alexandru Muşina, editor, writer, professor, and mentor of the Group of Braşov (a fertile contingent of writers still holding sway in Romanian literature).

The second part of the volume is dedicated to the Romanian translations from the classical and contemporary Chinese culture. Mention must be made about the semiotic approach to all literary works glossed about.

Author Biography

Felix Nicolau, Lund University, Centre for Languages and Literature, Sweden


Felix Nicolau is Visiting Professor in Humanistiska och Teologiska Fakulteterna, Lund University, and Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication, The Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. He is also affiliated to the Doctoral School of "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia. He defended his PhD in Comparative Literature in 2003 and is the author of eight books of literary and communication theory: Morpheus: from Text to Images. Intersemiotic Translations (2016), Take the Floor. Professional Communication Theoretically Contextualized (2014), Cultural Communication: Approaches to Modernity and Postmodernity (2014), Comunicare şi creativitate. Interpretarea textului contemporan (Communication and Creativity. The Interpretation of Contemporary Text, 2014), Homo Imprudens (2006), Anticanonice (Anticanonicals, 2009), Codul lui Eminescu (Eminescu’s Code, 2010), and Estetica inumană: de la Postmodernism la Facebook (The Inhuman Aesthetics: from Postmodernism to Facebook, 2013), five volumes of poetry (Kamceatka – time IS honey, 2014) and two novels.He is member in the editorial boards of “The Muse – an International Journal of Poetry” and “Metaliteratura” magazines. His areas of interest are Romanian studies, translation studies, theory of communication, comparative literature, cultural studies, translation studies, and British and American studies.


Bucur, Romulus (2017). Glose / Glosses. București: Tracus Arte.




How to Cite

Nicolau, F. (2018). Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Cultural Developments. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 1(1), 184–186. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v1i1.17355