About the Journal


Scandia is a history journal dedicated to central themes within historical research in the Nordic countries. The emphasis is on Nordic and European history, on theory and method, and on historiography. The journal is issued twice a year. Scandia is classified as a level 1 journal according to both the Norwegian Register and the Danish BFI lists.

Open access-policy

In recent years, each issue of Scandia became digitally available via open access after a delay of 6 months. The Swedish Research Council has pushed for increasing the accessibility of research, and the editorial staff wants to contribute to this effort. From 2025, each issue will immediately become available Open Access. New issues will also be available for purchase through printing-on-demand.

For those of you who like to read and hold Scandia in paper form, there does not need to be any change, since Scandia will continue to be printed and be available for subscription. However, subscription fees will be increased to cover the additional costs involved in printing.

The subscription fees for 2025 will be SEK 350 within the Nordic region and SEK 425 for other subscribers. For students, the price will be SEK 250.

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