Sex and marital cases in a late 16th-century marriage court in Lund
How can ecclesiastical legal sources benefit studies in social, family and gender...
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Book: Björn Asker, Officerarna och det svenska samhället 1650–1700, Uppsala 1983, p. 172.
Article: Curt Weibull, ”Bidrag till tolkningen av Knut den heliges gåvobrev till Lunds domkyrka år 1085”, Scandia 1989:1, p. 7.
Article in an anthology: Kevin Sharpe, ”The image of virtue. The court and household of Charles I, 1625–1642”, in The English Court. From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War, David Starkey (ed.), London 1987, pp. 237–241.
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How can ecclesiastical legal sources benefit studies in social, family and gender...
In this blog post, Lovisa Andén,...
Information about an upcoming conference in the conference series, Digital History in...