Hybrider mellan stripgås Anser indicus och snögås Anser caerulescens
Anatidae, hybridisering, identifiering, morfologiAbstract
Very few hybrids between Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus and Snow Goose Anser caerulescens have been described in the literature. In this article we give a morphological description of such hybrids, based on 35 individuals which we either observed ourselves or found pictures of on the Internet. Some hybrids were rather similar to Bar-headed Geese and others more closely resembled intermediate phase Snow Geese. General colouration, details and distinguishing features are described in the text together with photos. The yearly numbers of hybrids increased over time. This may be due to an actual increase in number of individuals, but may also reflect an increased interest in observing and reporting hybrids. Many hybrids were initially reported as something else, and there is therefore presumably under-reporting also in registers without photographs. We hope the information in this article will facilitate correct reporting.
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