Inspiring academic honesty at higher education – the role of the teacher


  • Radhalina Aulin
  • Karin Jönsson


Universities are responsible for elevating and communicating academic honesty among students. Nevertheless, like many universities and colleges, the policies mainly focus on deterrence of academic dishonesty through detection and punishment. The students expected to bear the responsibility to equip themselves about academic honesty on their own. Struggling to digest, understand and interpret what is acceptable and unacceptable in undertaking their scholarly years is not an easy task. Fundamental question like what role do the university, institution, faculty and teachers play in ensuring students are adequately equipped with the knowledge of academic honesty is frequently discussed.  
In researching academic honesty, this study focused on examining the role of the teacher in inspiring academic honesty among students. A web-based survey was used to collect valuable information. The survey was carried out among the teaching staff at three different programmes that are Water programme (W), Electro and Information programme (E) and Industrial Design programme (ID). The investigation was primarily opinion-based oriented. This survey was sent out to 65 teachers at three different programmes at LTH and the return rates were 71%, 47% and 40% for the W, ID and E programmes respectively.
Interestingly, W programmes teachers are more willing and positive to inform their students about the issue of academic honesty compared to the teachers of the other two programmes. Meanwhile, ID teachers claimed that academic honesty is not relevant to their field of study as it is difficult to be academically dishonest in the creative process. According to E teachers, they are supposed to trust the students and there is no need to spell out what is academic scholarship and integrity.

