Fältnoteringar om häckningsbiologin hos fjällpipare Charadrius morinellus i arktiska Norge
beteende, ruvning, delad föräldravårdnad, fjällhabitat, botäthetAbstract
From 2002 to 2010 twenty-four Dotterel nests were observed on Varangerfjell plateaus near Batsfjord. Females definitely took part in incubation in 18 cases. However, shared incubation could not be ruled out for the remaining 6 nests. One female defended the chicks against her own partner before they left the nest. Another lone female was seen leading 3 chicks for 5 days in a very small section of the study area, to our knowledge the only case of a female with chicks outside the nest ever recorded. Several nests were found less than 100 m apart. One bird laid eggs in the same nest in 2 consecutive years. These findings complement previously published observations and hypotheses.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Lutz Lücker, Bärbel Kraatz
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