Etableringen av en hekkebestand av salskrake Mergellus albellus i et atypiske habitat på den norske Atlanterhavskysten
inventering, anpassning, utbredningsexpansionAbstract
In recent years, the Smew Mergellus albellus has established a breeding population of minimum 15 pairs on the coastal islands in Vikna municipality (65°N, 11°E) in Central Norway. As a result, the current breeding distribution of Smew extends throughout northern Eurasia, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The habitat in Vikna is quite different from that of the coniferous taiga zone, and the population is probably ground-nesting. We suggest that the westward range expansion, and the ability to adapt to another habitat than the coniferous taiga zone, can make the Smew better able to cope with future impacts of global climatic change than predicted by present models.
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