Hur ser pilgrimens värld ut? En sociologisk analys av Hans-Erik Lindströms pilgrimsteologi


  • Anna Davidsson Bremborg


This article analyses and discusses the world view and the theology of Hans-Erik Lindström, author of several pilgrimage books and the founder of the Pilgrim’s Centre in Vadstena. Lindström’s pilgrimage theology is based upon seven keywords: slowness, freedom, simplicity, silence, light-heartedness, sharing and spirituality. These are assumed to be the pilgrim’s longings that can not be found in today’s society, which is permeated by individualism, materialism, rationalization and pluralism. The analysis shows that Lindström uses dichotomizations to delineate a negative world view, which is worse than sociological research demonstrates the reality to be. The world is simplified by using stereotypes of the past and clichés of today. This description of society could be seen as a life style populism, which captures people’s dissatisfaction with their living conditions, but lacks any overall program for a better life style. Instead of regarding pilgrimage in opposition to postmodern society, the author finds it being a part of it. The spirituality of pilgrimages takes account of individual reflections as well as holistic health aspirations, and pilgrimages function as arenas both for meetings between church-goers and seekers, and for recovery.



