
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

The submitted manuscript should include the following:

  • The name, academic title, postal address, and e-mail address of the author(s).
  • A suitable title and subtitle (optional) for the article in question.
  • The article proper, written in 12-point Times New Roman, using 1,5 line-spacing. The maximum length is 40,000 characters (incl. footnotes and spaces), which amounts to approximately 6,000 words.
  • A summary in English, comprising 200–250 words.

References are to be made in footnotes rather than in endnotes or embedded in the text. The first time a reference is made to a certain publication, the following format is to be used:

  • Monograph: Meredith B. McGuire, Lived Religion: Faith and Practice in Everyday Life, New York 2008,
  • Chapter in edited volume: Faustino M. Cruz, ”The Tension between Scholarship and Service”, in Joyce Ann Mercer & Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore (eds.), Conundrums in Practical Theology, Leiden 2016, 60–89,
  • Article in journal: Sara Gehlin, ”Asymmetry and Mutuality: Feminist Approaches to Receptive Ecumenism”, Studia Theologica: Nordic Journal of Theology 74 (2020), 197–216,

Subsequent references to the same publication should include the surname of the author and a shortened version of the title, for example:

  • McGuire, Lived Religion, 72–77.
  • Cruz, ”The Tension between Scholarship and Service”, 65–66.
  • Gehlin, ”Asymmetry and Mutuality”, 204–209.

The following information should not be specified in the references:

  • Name of potential book series in which the publication is included.
  • Name of the publishing house that has issued the publication.
  • Complete names of all authors or editors when they exceed three. In such cases, use only the first name, adding “et al.” in accordance with the following: Risto Uro et al. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual, Oxford 2018,

Note that exact page references should always be stated. Avoid “passim,” “f.,” and “ff.”

The Swedish Theological Quarterly maintains a wide-ranging scholarly profile, encompassing various disciplines within theology and religious studies. Through its international scope, the journal welcomes contributions from researchers worldwide, promoting engagement with the global discourse in religious studies. As such, the journal publishes articles and reviews in Swedish (or other Scandinavian languages) as well as English.

At the same time, the identity of the journal lies in its Swedish and Nordic profile. This profile proceeds from three criteria, of which at least one must be fulfilled for the editorial team to consider an article or review for publication:

  1. The text is written by a Nordic researcher, meaning that the author has been or is currently affiliated with an academic institution in the Nordic countries.
  2. The content of the text directly pertains to Nordic themes or subjects.
  3. The text originated in a Nordic context, such as a symposium or conference held at a Nordic academic institution.

The editorial team sometimes receives articles of high academic quality that fall outside the journal's scope and therefore are not eligible for publication. To avoid unnecessary trouble for you as an author, we kindly request that you consider these criteria before submitting an article proposal.

Plagiarism means that a researcher presents other people’s texts, ideas, hypotheses, or the like as his or her own. Under no circumstances is plagiarism tolerated in Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift (STK) and we reserve the right to check all submitted material using plagiarism tools. If plagiarism is suspected, the article will be rejected. Should plagiarism be discovered after the article has been published, it may be removed from the journal’s digital archive.

Duplicate publication means that an article, or substantial parts of an article, is published in different journals, edited volumes, or similar. Duplicate publication without approval and without cross-reference to the original source is against good research practice. This also applies if the article is translated from another language.

STK does not allow duplicate publication. This means that you may not send a manuscript to STK that is already under review, accepted for publication, or in print in another journal, edited volume, or similar. Exceptions to this rule can be made if an agreement has been reached in advance between all parties involved. Authors are expected to follow the research ethics guidelines regarding plagiarism and publishing found in the Swedish Research Council’s publication Good Research Practice.

If you as a reader, reviewer, or guest editor suspect plagiarism or duplicate publication, we advise you to contact the editorial board by sending a message by e-mail to

Articles should be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word to the assistant editor-in-chief via If the article contains tables or illustrations, these are to be attached separately as high-resolution images. Indicate in the text where they should be placed by stating [Figure 1] or similar.

All submitted articles are initially reviewed by the editorial board, which then decides whether the article in question should proceed to the double-blind peer review to which the journal conforms, where two external reviewers assess the manuscript. The ambition is that it should not take more than three months from the date that the article is submitted until the editorial board gets back to the author(s) with the reviewers’ reports and notification about possible publication.

Before publication, the author(s) will have the possibility of proofreading the edited and formatted version of the article. As a rule, the author(s) have one week to provide feedback on the proofs.

Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift is an open access journal under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, which means that it is allowed to publish the articles in their entirety elsewhere, assuming that the original source of publication is clearly stated. Articles are made available on the journal’s webpage when the printed issue is published. For further information, see the copyright notice below.

All questions with regard to publication should be sent to the assistant editor-in-chief via

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.