Arabiska bibelöversättningar i al-Andalus. Ett steg mot konvertering


  • Göran Larsson


In this article the medieval Arabic translations of the Bible, especially the ones translated in al-Andalus, are put in focus. In the case of al-Andalus the Gospel, Psalms and Paul’s letters were translated into Arabic from the 3rd-9th century A. D. Although the dating is complicated it seems that it was necessary for the translators to use a terminology and a language influenced by Islam — words such as jāhilïya, mashaf, sunnï etc. were frequently used by the translators. Thus it is possible to find distinct references to an Islamic vocabulary. It is proposed that the difference between Islam and Christianity, at least regarding the vocabulary and the cultural boundaries, became lesser due to the fact that the Bible was translated into Arabic. Hence it became easier for the Arabised Christians (Mozarabs) to comprehend Islam and maybe even to convert.



