Evaluation of deep and surface approaches to learning at LTH


  • Sebastian Bidhult
  • Thao Duy Nguyen
  • Mahmoud Sayed Ali Sayed
  • Soumendranath Bhakat
  • Kena Li


Deep approach to learning, surface approach to learning, ANOVA, QSP questionnaire


Evaluating student approaches to learning is important to improve teaching activities to reach the desired teaching outcome. Deep and surface approaches to learning has been identified as two central types of methods employed by a large group of students, and deep approaches to learning have been associated with increased in-depth conceptual understanding of course material, a commonly desired teaching outcome. In this study, we used a set of questions as a criteria to understand deep and surface approach to learning among students from department of chemical engineering in LTH. No statistically significant differences in deep approach scores, surface approach scores or deep/surface ratios among study years were observed in our study. However, the average deep/surface approach ratio over all study participants was found to be 1.07, indicating a substantial occurrence of both surface and deep approaches in the study material. Despite limited data points, this study revealed the occurrence of some level of surface approaches to learning at all study years, warranting the need for future investigation to determine ways to improve course design. In our view, this is essential in order for LTH to keep a leading position as provider of high-quality education, which it has been so famous for over the years.

