How to improve Deep apporach learning in lectures - An application on first year university lectures in the Mathematics subjet


  • Andreas Kirscht
  • Marie Vandewalle
  • Marwa Dabaieh
  • Serge Nzoke Baman
  • Zsuzsanna Toth-Szabo


For these reasons, lectures are well foreseen to keep their importance in the teaching
methodology in higher education for the years to come. However, is there a way to
improve them? How can we use lectures to further active the deep approach to learning
for students?
To answer these questions, we used our experiences as former students to identify the
most common problems with lectures in our respective countries. We limited our
discussion to the case of first year university lectures in the Mathematics subject. This
subject was chosen because it was taken by all of us in our first year of undergraduate
studies and we all faced different level of difficulties during the course.
We identified the most common causes for surface learning approach in such a lecture,
proposed relatively easy to implement solutions and different ways to evaluate the
implementation of these proposals.

