For a noble and sentimental literature: N. Steinhardt and the essay as a form of freedom


  • Antonio Patraș “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi
  • Roxana Patraș “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași



essay, liberalism, Judaism, Orthodox, discreteness, sentimental, freedom, prison


N. Steinhardt, the author of Jurnalul fericirii [The Diary of Happiness], was not only an exquisite intellectual colporteur, but also an erudite essayist of astonishing spontaneity, who gave his intellectual discourse a remarkable cultural breadth, which places him in the same spiritual family as Alexandru Odobescu, Paul Zarifopol, Mihail Ralea, Alexandru Paleologu or Andrei Pleșu. In spite of the diversity of the themes addressed, the essays of the later monk of Rohia preserve a basic unity, revealed in a coherent modus cogitandi and a defensive ethos, intended to protect individual freedom through recourse to modesty and to what Paleologu called common sense as paradox. Reading Steinhardt’s essays is also a powerful antidote to laziness of thought, offering the reader the chance to escape from the narrow horizon of commonplaces. Leaving aside the prison memorial and the texts on religious subjects, which are permeated by the same essayistic vein, we highlighted the fact that Steinhardt understood literary criticism as an ingenious creative activity, polemically anti-positivist, susceptible to new and surprising cultural analogies, incessantly pleading for the rehabilitation of subjectivity, emotion and feeling as essential factors in the process of knowledge, from the perspective of a fundamental humanism drawing from Montaigne’s tradition.


Author Biographies

Antonio Patraș, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Antonio Patraș is Professor at the Faculty of Letters, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. He holds a PhD in Philology (2003), professorship and habilitation (2012), coordinator of PhD dissertations on modern Romanian literature. He authored 7 monographs and over 100 studies and book chapters on research topics such as Life Writing and the Theory of Imitation. His current research interests are 19th-century European and Romanian literature (the period of the “Great Classics”), non-literary genres (memoir, essay), literary theory, and the history of Romanian literary criticism.

Roxana Patraș, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Roxana Patraș is Senior Researcher (I) at The Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. PhD in Philology (2012). Her current research interests are modern European and Romanian Literature, Digital Literary Studies (data extraction and analysis), Literary Theory (theory of paratext, genre theory, and popular fiction), and Digitization of Heritage Resources. Roxana Patraș published 3 monographs, critical editions, anthologies, collective volumes, articles, and book chapters.


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How to Cite

Patraș, A., & Patraș, R. (2024). For a noble and sentimental literature: N. Steinhardt and the essay as a form of freedom. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(2), 95–111.