Hayduk novels in the nineteenth-century Romanian fiction: notes on a sub-genre





hajduk; folk ballads; novel sub-genre; corpus analysis; dissolution of epicness; mass literature.


In the context of nineteenth and early twentieth-century Romanian literature, hajduk novels and hajduk short fiction (novella, short-story, tale) are called to bring back  a lost “epicness,” to give back the hajduks their lost aura. But why did the Romanian readers need this remix? Was it for ideological reasons? Did the growing female readership influence the  affluence of hajduk fiction? Could the hajduk novels have supplied the default of other important fiction sub-genres such as children or teenage literature? The present article supports the idea that, as a distinct fiction sub-genre, the hajduk novels convey a modern lifestyle, attached to new values such as the disengagement from material objects, the democratization of access to luxury goods and commodities, and the mobility of social classes. Clothing, leisure, eating/ drinking/ sleeping/ hygiene, work, military and forest/ nomad life, and ritual items that are mentioned in these novels can help us correlate the technical tendencies reflected in the making of objects to a particular ethnicity (Romanian).

Author Biography

Roxana Patraș, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania

Roxana Patras, PhD in Philology (2012), is a Senior Researcher (Cercetător Ştiinţific II) at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Books: Cântece dinaintea Decadenţei. A.C. Swinburne şi declinul Occidentului (2013); Spaţii eminesciene. Studii de poetică şi stilistică (2017), The Remains of the Day: Literature and Political Eloquence in 19th–century Romania (2018). Scholarly editions: G. Ibrăileanu, Scrieri alese (2010); Oratorie politică românească (1847-1899), 3 vol. (2016). Author of over 200 book chapters, articles, reviews, essays, and conference papers. Co-editor of the PHSS Proceedings (2014-2018). Research areas: history of literature, literary theory, rhetoric, cultural studies. Domains of interest: 19th-century (European) contexts, Romanian literature, history of ideas. Contact: roxana.patras@uaic.ro.


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How to Cite

Patraș, R. (2019). Hayduk novels in the nineteenth-century Romanian fiction: notes on a sub-genre. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2(1), 24–33. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v2i1.18769