An Interpretation of Adolf von Harnack’s “System of Origen”: The Genius, the Theologian, and the Value of Human Beings


  • Valeria Dessy Aarhus University


The objective of this article is to analyze Harnack’s interpretation of Origen of Alexandria, by focusing specifically on three elements of his thought. First, I focus on Harnack’s account of Origen in relation to his concept of “personality,” drawn primarily from the historicist tradition. I then show that Harnack’s definition of the theologian’s task can provide additional insight into his assessment of Origen as a theologian. Finally, I argue that Harnack’s positive anthropology plays a central role in substantiating his appreciation for the work of earlier theologians like Origen. Contrary to the prevailing interpretation that Harnack held a negative evaluation of Origen as a philosopher and a corrupter of Christianity, I argue that Harnack valued the contributions of the Alexandrian, portraying him as a personality pivotal to the development of Christian doctrine.


