Welcome to the Nordic Journal of European Law         

The Nordic Journal of European Law (NJEL) is an open-access and peer reviewed journal of European law with a Nordic perspective founded and managed by researchers at the Faculty of Law at Lund University, in cooperation with other Nordic universities and specifically with the University of Southern Denmark, the University of Helsinki, the University of Bergen, Reykjavik University and Uppsala University. The Journal is published on a bi-annual basis via an open access format on the current webpage. 

The objective of the NJEL is both to promote knowledge and research in European law in the Nordic countries as well as creating a platform and a community for researchers and practitioners in different European law related fields. We welcome submissions from a broad spectrum of areas of European law, and embrace contributions with of interdisciplinary nature.  


The 2024(1) issue is now published and available below.


Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Nordic Journal of European Law Issue 2024(2)


Xavier Groussout and Annegret Engel (Lund University), Digitalisation in EU Competition Law and the Swedish Principle of Transparency


Vilhelm Persson (Lund University), Transparency of the Swedish Competition Authority

Helene Andersson (Delphi), The Legal Professional Privilege in Competition Law Cases – A Key Element in Protecting the Proper Administration of Justice

Joakim Nergelius (Örebro University), A Few Words on Drittwirkung, Transparency and Personal Integrity in the Light of Digitalization

Riina Autio (Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority), Digitalisation of the Preliminary Investigation Phase, Fundamental and Human Rights and the Principle of Openness – Balancing Conflicting Interests in the Review of Large Data Sets

Lena Hornkohl (University of Vienna), Transparency Unveiled: Access to Information in Digital Markets Act Proceedings on EU Level

Julia Helminger (University of Vienna), Transparency Unveiled: Access to Information in Digital Markets Act Proceedings at Member State Level – The German and Austrian Experience

Magnus Strand (Uppsala University), Private Enforcement Under the Digital Markets Act: Rights and Remedies Revisited

Cristina Teleki (Maastricht University), EU Competition Law, Fundamental Rights and the Principle of Transparency – An Evolving Relationship

Published: 2024-07-08

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