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Trajectories of a Filipina worker in Copenhagen
Denmark, migration worker, migration, labor migrationReferences
Andersen, Nina Trige 2013: Profession: Filippiner. Kvinder på arbejde i Danmark gennem fire årtier. Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter.
Andersen, Nina Trige 2014: “Filippinske hotelarbejdere i København fra 1960erne-1990erne”. Arbejderhistorie. Tidsskrift for historie, kultur og politik 2014-1, pp. 7-29.
Andersen, Nina Trige & Myong, Lene 2015: “From Immigration Stop to Intimizations of Migration: Cross-reading the Histories of Domestic(ated) Labor Migration and Transnational Adoption in Denmark 1973-2015”, Retfærd 38. årgang, nr. 3
Arbejdsministeriet 1971: Betænkning om udenlandske arbejderes forhold i Danmark.
Böhning, W.R. 1979: “International migration in Western Europe: reflection on the past five years”. International Labour Review Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 401-414.
Böhning, W.R. 1984: Studies in International Labour Migration. London/Hong Kong: The MacMillan Press LTD.
Böhning, W.R. 1991: “Integration and immigration pressures in western Europe”. International Labour Review Vol. 130, No. 4, pp. 445-458.
FAD 1986: Christmas Party Program. The Filipino Association of Denmark. Kindly lent out by Benn Adriatico.
FAD 1990a: Group Reunion 1970-1990. The Filipino Pioneers in Denmark. Souvenir program. Sheraton-Copenhagen Hotel, 26 May 1990. The Filipino Association of Denmark. Kindly lent out by Benn Adriatico.
FAD 1995: Silver Lining, special anniversary edition Vol. 1, No. 1. 25 years of Friendship, Action and Dedication. Kindly donated by Ben Garcia.
FAD 1995a: Info – A Quarterly Newsletter of The Filipino Association of Denmark no. 3. Kindly lent out by Benn Adriatico.
Fürstnow-Sørensen, Bent 1970: Fremmedarbejder i Danmark [Foreign Worker in Denmark]. Prepared for the Information Committee of the Ministries of Labour and Social Affairs by Bent Fürstnow-Sørensen. Copenhagen: Ministry of Social Affairs.
Fürstnow-Sørensen, Bent 1969/1974: Migrant Worker in Denmark. Prepared for the Information Committee of the Ministries of Labour and Social Affairs by Bent Fürstnow-Sørensen, LL.M., Assistant Chief of Division. Revised by counselors concerning migrant workers 1974. Copenhagen: Ministry of Social Affairs.
Hahamovitch, Cindy 2003: “Creating Perfect Immigrants: Guestworkers of the World in Historical Perspective 1”. Labor History 44:1, pp. 69-94.
Horst, Christian 1980: Arbejdskraft: vare eller menneske? Migration og vesteuropæisk kapitalisme. Akademisk Forlag, Kultursociologiske Skrifter.
HRF-bladet 1958-1974 (from 1971-1974 also called Tre Kuverter). Published by Hotel- og Restaurationspersonalets Forbund, from 1971-1974 by Hotel- og Restaurationspersonalets Samvirke.
Larsen, Dorthe 2014: ”Statistics Denmark”. E-mail correspondence.
MOLE 1986: Ople of Labor. A Tribute from Philippine Labor. Manila: Ministry of Labor and Employment.
Mortensen, Jens 1978: Fremmedarbejdernes levevilkår i Danmark. En empirisk analyse af baggrunden for fremmedarbejdernes levevilkår i Danmark, specialeopgave i statskundskab ved Århus Universitet
OEDB Annual Reports 1976-1981. Overseas Employment Development Board.
Ople, Blas F. 1979a: Frontiers of Labor and Social Policy. Selected Speeches. Manila: Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies, Ministry of Labor.
Ople, Blas F. 1979b: “Towards a Just and Equitable Manpower Movement”. Philippine Labor Review Vol. 4, No. 2, Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies, Department of Labor, Manila, pp. 1-5.
Pedersen, Søren 1999: “Vandringen til og fra Danmark i perioden 1960-97”; in: Coleman, David & Wadensjö, Eskil (eds.) Indvandringen til Danmark. Internationale og nationale perspektiver. Spektrum, pp. 233-284.
Robles, Rod 2014-2015: Several interviews conducted in his home, as well as e-mail correspondences.
Robles archive. From the lives of the late Reynaldo and Maria Lourdes Robles who arrived in Denmark in 1971 and 1972 respectively. Kindly made available by their son Rodrigo ’Rod’ Robles who joined them in Denmark in 1973. The archive consists of letters exchanged with employers and consulate before and after arrival in Denmark, tax receipts, work permits, diplomas, letters from the Philippines state to Filipinos abroad, newspaper clippings, photographs, diaries. Parts of it will be included in the online archive Filippinernes Danmarkshistorie [A Filipino History of Denmark], which is under construction.
Rodriguez, Robyn Magalit (2010): Migrants for export: how the Philippine state brokers labor to the world. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Statistics Denmark, StatBank, online database
Udenrigsministeriets Kalender 1966-1977.