Vilken religion är sann och frågan om språkets obestämbarhet
There is nothing strange in asking what is true. There is nothing strange in asking whether what different religions proclaim is true, and if there is one of them that would be truer than others. Such questions surface when religions meet in various ways. How definite the answers can be depends on the level of linguistic stability, or so it is argued in this article. Therefore, understanding the functioning of language is important for understanding reflections made on interreligious relations. In this article it is argued that it is difficult to hold language to be stable. There are strong reasons to count on linguistic mobility as a necessary trait. Seeing the necessary linguistic mobility gives raise to some interesting consequences. On the one hand, it opens for a constructive approach to religious diversity. On the other hand, it seems to make it difficult to take stands, also in situations when such stands are called for. In this article, it is argued that even though linguistic mobility makes judgements and standpoints questionable, not everything is equally good. There are a number of factors putting limits to what is possible. These limits are perhaps also mobile, but there are limits. Also morally speaking. Also religiously speaking.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2013 Patrik Fridlund

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