Bortom exklusivism, inklusivism och pluralism? Om korrelationsmetoden hos Paul Tillich, David Tracy och Hans Küng och dess betydelse för religionsteologi
A common way to present the different theological attitudes towards other religions is to divide them into the three categories exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism, according to the taxonomy of Alan Race. Even though the pedagogical value of such taxonomy is indisputable, it is argued that none of the three alternatives seems to provide theological reasons for the Christian to meet people of other faiths in mutual conversations. With this as a background the article seeks to find an alternative beyond the taxonomy and at the same time an attitude that theologically promotes interreligious dialogue. The point of departure is a theological method, the method of correlation, which has played a central role in theology in the second half of the 20th century. The method has mostly been preoccupied with the relationship between the Christian tradition and the secular world. It is suggested that the dialogical potential of the method of correlation could be used and applied to the field of theology of religions. Paul Tillich’s, David Tracy’s and Hans Küng’s respective contribution to the method of correlation are investigated and analysed. It is argued that a modified version of the method of correlation may contribute to the field of theology of religions by setting another frame than the more well-established taxonomy does.Downloads
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