Kunskap om religion i nutida samhällen
In this essay, I explore ways in which to gain knowledge about religion in contemporary Sweden, both in relation to teaching and research. The point of departure is that in times of knowledge resistance and fake news it is of utter importance to be aware of how this production of knowledge is achieved, and that knowledge about religion is of great significance to understand and uphold today's society. My experience in how to get knowledge about religion through teaching is that the students' perception about religion tells us a lot about this, and by teaching about religion I constantly have to reflect over what can be considered as religion in contemporary society. In the research I have done, knowledge about religion have been achieved foremost by studying religion in relation to migration, on individual as well as group level, and in relation to institutions in the public sphere, such as the health care sector and local authorities.
Copyright (c) 2019 Magdalena Nordin

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