How to Improve Physics Labs


  • Gvidas Astromskas
  • Jason Beech
  • Guillaume Genoud
  • Riusheng Liu
  • Oxana Smirnova


This project aims to demonstrate how laboratory exercises can be used to achieve
the following important learning goals:
1. Foster deep approach to learning;
2. Ensure knowledge transfer, both from theory to lab application and from
lab exercises to real life situations;
3. Identify and get rid of misconceptions;
4. Provide feedback in several directions: from fellow students, from the
teachers and from hands-on experience.
5. Be able to assess student learning performance.
The described approach involves highly motivational experimental investigations,
where all students take an active (and pro-active) part in the learning process. The
complexity of the tasks set will increase with time, proceeding from an adequate base
of knowledge and skills towards more advanced and challenging subjects, keeping
students engaged.
The approach has several clear advantages, when compared to traditional
controlled exercises or demonstrations:
  • The opportunity to allow students to practice skills of scientific enquiry, such as planning an experiment;
  • Provision of a good motivational context (sense of ownership of the idea, initiative);
  • Provides shared learning experiences;
  • Higher levels of achievements due to deep learning;
  • It is fun, fostering a positive atmosphere in the class.
However, the approach has some practical disadvantages, such as:
  • Admittedly time- and effort-consuming, hence less lab exercises than in the classical approach of controlled exercises;
  • Logistical problems;
  • Teachers may perceive it as loss of control;
  • May turn out to be too expensive.

