Image Analysis and Computer Vision
An in-depth review of two assignment-based courses
In this report we investigate two assignment-based courses Computer Vision and Image Analysis. Both courses are elective master level courses given at the Mathematics department at LTH. A critical review of the courses is made both from a student perspective (using CEQ-evaluation reports) and from a teacher perspective (using SWOT analysis and a questionnaire to teachers and teaching assistants). The investigation reveals that the assignment-based teaching (with elements of PBL) works well for these applied courses, but that there is room for improvement in terms of effciency and feedback mechanisms. It is also important that the assignments align well with the material presented in the lectures. This is consistent with well-established pedagogical ideas such as constructive alignment. Finally, we present some ideas on how to improve the structure in the courses based on - among other things - peer teaching, quizzes and Learning management systems.