Building trust in the classroom - how language barriers can be overcome


  • Björn Wickenberg
  • Khashayar Kazemzadeh
  • Konstantina Katsela
  • Milad Abolhalaj
  • Nanond Nopparat


language barriers, anxiety, stereotype threat, intergroup anxiety, double cognitive dissonance, language skill-anxiety model, inviting classroom, trust


Language barriers in higher education is negatively affecting learning outcomes through the anxiety they can cause. We provide a case that highlights the importance of breaking such barriers down. Through the lenses of stereotype threat, intergroup anxiety, and cognitive dissonance, we examine the mechanisms that affect students’ performance. Teachers are here recommended to take advantage of different trust-inducing strategies and classroom practices. We then discuss some potential side-effects of reducing anxiety. Finally, we conclude that overcoming language barriers is a highly context-bound and challenging learning process with a highly rewarding potential of creating more satisfied and motivated students, and teachers.

