Jesus i det offentliga rummet. Några religionssociologiska iakttagelser i anknytning till den så kallade Jesusdebatten vintern 2003


  • Alf Linderman


In this article, the so-called «Jesus-debate» is discussed from the perspective of the sociology of religion. First of all, the process of secularisation is pointed to as an important precondition for the debate. Religious institutions and leaders no longer represent a given authority in society and thus can be listened to as voices among others. It is also noted that the present tendency of awakened interest for religious themes and symbols in popular culture is another precondition for the debate. In the debate, the archbishop Hammar shows an open and less dogmatic mind and thus reduces the distance between the church and the general seeker. This, however, can be problematic for those who expect the Church to stand firm in times of pluralism and relativity. The article concludes that while Christians on the one hand express their joy over the media's renewed interest in religious issues, they on the other hand tend to engage in something that primarily could be interpreted as a struggle over the image of Christianity in the public space.



